Winter Solstice. Capricorn Season 2023
Winter Solstice arrives on December 21st and marks the beginning of the Capricorn Season. Sun starts returning to its power from this moment forward. This sacred point is a shift from the mutable energy, where we are asked to allow the necessary changes and mutations to occur, to the cardinal energy, where we are asked to initiate these changes into the next phase of our lives. This point is charged with primordial memory and yearns to be remembered through ritual and celebration. Invite Sun into your home, bake round things, light candles, warm up your space, contemplate on what Sun symbolizes to you and how its fires can be directed consciously.
The ingression of Sun in Capricorn symbolizes a period of maturation and crystallization. As we enter yet another year we need to consider what time means to us, what is the purpose of our time here, how can we untie the concept of time from shame that so often comes with time? Interesting thing with cardinal earth is that it doesn’t rush, it sees time beyond the constraints of our arrival and departure from this place, it understands that the workings of time do not always need us present through it all. The climb that is so often associated with Saturn ruled Capricorn is a desire to build a vertical that can help us get out of the purely earthy realm, the last earth sign thrives to master the material plane, understanding that there is no way around it, and those who try to bypass the matter are not going to create anything of substance or value.
The chart of the New Solar year is full of promise and anticipation of growth. Sun in Capricorn is forming trine to Moon in her exaltation in Taurus, both at 0º degrees. Zero degree trine is very young energy and has a lot to learn, we need to slowly and constructively put together true meaning of stability, abundance and support. The ruler of the season is Saturn in Pisces, also forms supportive aspects to both the Sun and the Moon, this is about trusting ourselves again, giving recognition to our feelings and intuitive currents as the real guidance and directional force towards the reality we are trying to build. If there is anything we have learnt in the last year, it is that we do know what is right and what is wrong, we can feel into the truth of the matter, but we can only do it if we allow time to be on our side.
Mercury is retrograde on its way to form a Cazimi with the Sun that just entered Capricorn. To begin a New Year with such auspicious illumination is a blessing of the burst of clarity and realizations about the value of legacy, and even if we can never see how it all ends, our input is so incredibly important. To grow into a worthy ancestor, to set goals that are worthy of preservation through generations is what we can only hope for. That is legacy, the recognition of time as a thread that holds us together, not separates us into the fragments floating aimlessly through space.
Pluto is once again traveling through the last degree of Capricorn, it might feel like we walk through a scorched field, so much collapse and disillusionment about the structures we all have partaken in creating, as we stand in this barren field, we are invited to tend to this collapse, to use our imagination ( Mercury Cazimi) and to give ourselves permission to start building anew, and the chart of this particular Solstice is incredibly supportive of that. In the beginning of January we are going to have both Mercury and Jupiter direct, rest and take stock until then, find silence and stillness, but remember that this year we are asked to be start building from the place we find ourselves in, we need to prepare to really start moving and shaking out of the place of stagnation and this prolonged pause. Happy Solstice, Lovers.