Full Moon in Cancer. 12/26/2023

The last Full Moon of the year arrives on December 26th and takes place in her home sign of Cancer. This lunation brings to fullness aspects of our lives that dwell in the depths of our memory, the remembrance of what safety means to us, how much our unmet needs pull us out of authenticity and ability to express ourselves fully. Moon finds great comfort in Cancer, where she can be held by us, seeing at last how much more softness and compassion we all require to move through this world not plagued by the conditioned love and acceptance.

This is one of the most beautiful Full Moons of the whole year, the support from other planets is not something we should be taking for granted. Themes of home, family, our relationship to the womb, to the mother, to protection and nourishment are all coming to a forefront. Whenever we deal with Cancer lunations we deal with enormous depth, depth that takes root in the memory before we can consciously remember, this is ancestral memory, one where we have found and lost safety time and time again, one that understands that ultimately true safety is only possible when love is involved, when judgment is suspended, when boundaries are non-negotiable and those who came before us are remembered and honored. 

This lunation forms a beautiful sextile to Jupiter in Taurus (that is preparing to turn direct on New Years eve) and separating trine to Saturn in Pisces. How can we look at the limitations that we have faced this year as a boundary, or a distilling mechanism, that separates our essential needs from societal conditioning? Our limitations and inner lack of safety do not have to be kept private, we can state our needs, all of them, and we can hold the needs of others in the same reverence. This is a deeply caring lunation that desires spaciousness and silence. Spaciousness to allow all that is coming up to be tended to with sacredness and care. 

One of the trickier parts of the lunation chart is the Mars/Mercury Rx conjunction in Sagittarius forming a square to Neptune in Pisces. This is a Jupiterian tension, tension of ideologies and truths, between more mental, even dogmatic attitudes and intuitive feelings that guide our direction. This square should be observed internally, the flare ups of ideas and thoughts, the illusive righteousness and the yearning for what is true and just are all there. All of that, under the beams of the Full Moon can provide a wonderful space for our less known motives and root causes of dissatisfaction to come to the surface. Often the desire for belonging is the easiest way to be manipulated, so observe where and how you choose to belong in the spaces where your needs are not honored. Happy Full Moon, Lovers. 


Aquarius Season 2024.


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