New Moon in Libra. 09/25/2022

The New Moon in Libra arrives on Sunday afternoon and opens a doorway for us to initiate the beginnings that are informed by past experiences, memories, the beginnings that are filled with a sense of opportunities returning for us to make better, more balanced and fair choices for ourselves. There is a sense of slow unfolding to these new beginnings with so many planets being retrograde. But nevertheless it is a new beginning, the most important thing here is inner resolution and need to re-evaluate the concept of compromise. There is a golden opportunity here to make a very clear distinction for ourselves between compromise and self neglect. 

Jupiter retrograde is in opposition to this lunation. Jupiter in Aries is about the self starter energy of development, expansion and search for truth. This opposition is asking us to  break away from the path of least resistance and move towards the development of the spirit. From this place we can actually hold the balance between our interests and the needs of others, but some cord cutting within our attitude to service and self worth will have to be made. Choices that encourage inner expansion and justice for ourselves, will require the suspension of “the least resistance” attitude. 

To be resolute in our choices we have to find inner peace. This is the whole objective of this lunation. To initiate a new cycle from a place of authenticity and harmony, we need to achieve that state within. The ruler of this lunation, Venus, is in applying conjunction with Mercury retrograde in Virgo. The question we should ask ourselves prior to setting clear goals, is how fair these decisions are to our sense of expansion and to our general well being. The complexity of this New Moon is that it vacillates between the need for connection with the other and the need for connection with our most sacred sense of self. 

The trine to Pluto from Venus/Mercury conjunction is supporting us in this process of making decisions that are an expression of practical love towards ourselves. Practical love for our bodies and minds, making choices that don’t feel like a sacrificial ritual, but feel like a wholesome act of justice are set in motion. The place of inner peace won’t tolerate our ideals and values to be at mercy of the external world any longer. Venus in Virgo deals with guilt and the notion that love is something to deserve, this New Moon we remember our innate worth through focusing on healing the guild wound of not giving or doing enough for the other. All in all this is such a beautiful lunation to choose oneself and to become the embodiment of inner peace. Happy New Moon, Lovers.


Astrology of October 2022


Sun in Libra . Autumn Equinox. The Wonder of Balance.