New Moon at 21º of Virgo. 09/14/2023
The discernment in service of the spirit.
The New Moon in Virgo takes place on Thursday evening and brings forward momentum to start moving out of uncertainty of the last weeks, out of the space that held us in a state of vacillating thoughts and shifting priorities, the patterns are now starting to crystalize. Considering that Mercury, ruler of this lunation, is barely moving, as it prepares to turn direct next day, we are tuned into the messages of new beginnings that are coming through. These messages relate to the connections between our daily practice and relationship with a spirit, between the condition of our body and condition of our soul. This New Moon in a practical, discerning and healing oriented sign of Virgo is the initiation that leads us to the Eclipse season, the next New Moon is a Solar Eclipse on October 14th. So there is a particular gravitas that comes with this lunation, the importance of preparation and change is palpable. Here we have an opportunity to shift the perception within our mental spheres, to make necessary adjustments in regards to the small choices we make day in and day out. Virgo understands that tiny alterations can lead to profound changes, if we devote ourselves to this process and do not expect instant gratification.
The New Moon forms a number of aspects to the outer planets, which shows us that the big picture, the collective changes depend on how attuned each of us are with what needs our focus the most, on how selective and discerning we can be. This Lunation forms harmonious trines to Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus and to Pluto in Capricorn, and an opposition to Neptune that might carry with it an element of surprise down the road. So much outer planet activity lets us know that this is no ordinary new beginning, this is a long term unfolding of major themes, that requires from us to initiate this cycle from a place that recognizes our need for depth, cycle that recognizes the connection to our divinity and our role as co-creators of this collective reality. Be sure to lean into the richness of the big energies swirling around us when you make adjustments in regards to the small steps you are going to focus on. The richness and growth that can flourish from our focus right now is exceptional.
The earth trine to Uranus and Pluto is an invitation to finally change your priorities in accordance to the shifted values, the opposition to Neptune can be many things, but most importantly it is about managing your expectations and the need to control an outcome. I always say that Neptune is not here to shatter our dreams, it is here to teach us how to trust and have faith in changing pathways. Whatever we learn in the upcoming lunar month, do not jump to conclusions right away. With Neptune being so active now, we need to be mindful about our perfectionistic tendencies and hyper focusing on the way we imagined things to turn out. Maybe the path forward might look nothing like you imagined, but having faith and a level of flexibility (mutable opposition) that the road will still lead you to your destiny is essential.
To get started here correctly we need to make sure that what we put on our plate from now on is carefully curated and distilled. We can’t afford to do little things that distract, exhaust and drain us, but that the tasks and to do lists we give ourselves are always aligned with our deepest needs and values. We have had Venus and Mercury retrograde for the last weeks just so we can arrive here, and choose differently, begin differently. Choose what is healing and enriching, what gently and strategically prepares you for what’s to come, body and soul. The Cosmos is conspiring for us to start making different small steps, the small steps that will amount to changing our life. Happy New Moon, Lovers.