Full Moon at 9º of Aquarius. 08/01/2023

The Song of the Curved Line is called Happiness - René Crevel

Full Moon In Aquarius arrives on Tuesday afternoon and is going to highlight our sensitivity to the collective currents and our need to be a part of the community that is ready to make changes in accordance to these rapidly changing currents. Realizations about how we would like to be a part of the larger network, how important it is for me and for you to show up authentically, sometimes bewildering in our truth and always radically devoted to the timelessness of these collective processes.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is about independence of thought and being, that can only be achieved through great awareness of one’s inner spirit, one’s inner Sun, the ruler of the opposite sign of Leo. This Saturn ruled lunation is letting us know that independence and self sufficiency is a result of great discipline, discipline of thought and discipline of prioritizing the proper form for your thoughts to be a useful tool, not a pathway to anxiety and restlessness. Saturn is currently retrograde in Pisces, the lesson of this lunation is that the manifestation of seemingly impossible ideas depends on our collective emotional state, our ability to be in awe of the possibility and our wondrous connection to the spiraling and endless existence.

Aquarius archetype and freedom often go hand in hand, but freedom is not always about ease and multitude of options, often freedom is about doing the hard thing, changing the course of one’s life independently and firmly. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, the self that is aligned with the idea of evolution by following the beat of their own drum. Here we learn that time, which is ruled by Saturn, is really a construct, as our unique version of reality and its manifestation are out of our control in the traditional understanding of time. And we are often discouraged and disconnected from our vision and community, as we try to see it through within our limited understanding of time and space. When in reality our sole responsibility is to show up truthfully from moment to moment in what matters to us the most. 

This Full Moon I want you to trust that your vision, your devotion to freedom and to your purpose are the magic elements of being co-creators outside of time and space, and observe where this radical commitment will lead you. It takes a great deal of trust and devotion, but that is what this Aquarius Full Moon helps us realize, that humanity is made of each person cultivating devotion to their freedom and to the freedom of the person next to them. Jupiter in Taurus is receiving a square from this Full Moon and a harmonious trine from Mars in Virgo. How well can we strategize when coming up against really big concepts, without drowning in the temporary obstacles, how can we advance by recognizing the great power in the art of taking small steps, how instead of being overwhelmed we can regain control by focusing on the task of the day as it comes. All that whilst holding the big picture in our hearts to fuel us through this journey. 

Mercury is forming opposition to Saturn in Pisces as the Moon comes to fullness, there is a need to learn, to adapt to a different way of communicating. Saturn in Pisces is creating a certain density in what we feel we can freely express, here it is all about changing the perception of the way we choose to engage with the flow of information. Saturn here says that something that we think we know must be released, humility is necessary as we make this transition into different kinds of knowing. Happy Full Moon! With Love, Mariana.


New Moon at 21º of Virgo. 09/14/2023


Venus Retrograde in Leo. 07/22/2023 - 09/03/2023