Week of October 16th to 22nd. 2023
This week we find ourselves grappling with the ramblings of the first Eclipse on October 14th, with Moon in Scorpio until Tuesday afternoon revealing the undercurrents of the imbalances on the both collective and personal levels. This Scorpio Moon is opposing Uranus in Taurus on Monday evening, creating tension between the value of the material reality and emotional sense of safety, tension of the resources, land (Taurus) and survival (Scorpio). On a personal level we need to ask ourselves how much actual safety material reality can provide for us, if we do not understand the transitory nature of our reality and we are holding onto things in the pursuit of a very fragile feeling of stability.
On Wednesday Sun conjuncts South Node at 24º52 of Libra, illuminating and clarifying themes related to certain relationship dynamics, agreements, contracts and pacts that are rooted in the past, and are now going through transformation of purpose, and symbolic death. Sun is our ego, is in its fall sign of Libra, something that we might have agreed to, accepted or normalized in the past, now is so off the mark that we see that it is not rising to meet our needs, standards or values. South Node is what we brought in from the past, Sun is shedding light there, and we are bound to decide if it is worth carrying any further, and if so, what are the terms? The South Node diminishes things it touches, so if you feel a little melancholic or lacking energy around Wednesday, it is due to the Sun’s energy being depleted in the process.
Mercury in Libra is combust from the beginning of the week, all the way into Thursday, creating a sense of internal conflict about making certain decisions. But on Thursday it forms Cazimi aspect at 26º of Libra ( exact Sun/Mercury conjunction), taking us from a place of imbalance, indecision or lack of faith in our ability to find a way to resolve issues that we are facing harmoniously, to a place of greater clarity and understanding about what we need to prioritize, what needs to go, what needs to stay, and how can we communicate about it all without falling into the extremes. This Sun/Mercury Cazimi feels incredibly needed right now, as we try to make choices that are balanced, true to our values and do not compromise our sense of self.
Mercury and Sun in Libra are squaring Pluto in Capricorn on Friday into Saturday, depending on where you are. These squares are no doubt of a challenging nature, and it is going to bring certain level of crisis to people, institutions and structures, that are represented by the Sun archetype (world leaders, people in power and those at the helm of diplomatic organizations) and Mercury archetype (media outlets, social networks and maybe transportation systems). On an individual level, we may arrive at the point of inevitability of choice in order to pass the threshold that keeps us in a state of limbo, but be mindful that with Pluto, one must understand their own limits first, and then proceed accordingly.
On Sunday Mercury enters Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio is a true detective and carries the energy that processes information intuitively and is all about getting to the core of the matter. Mercury here is concerned with information that is very personal and possibly touches upon some sensitive points. First we can see response to the downloads in our physical body, and then the mind starts to reflect on the way certain information makes us feel, which triggers a deep dive into the hidden realms. The quality of sharp concentration that Mercury in Scorpio provides, can be channeled in accomplishing a lot, resolving problems, uncovering the truths and dealing with financial issues. With Love, Mariana.