Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. 04/20/2024

The meeting of Jupiter and Uranus takes place every 14 years, with every new cycle expanding and revolutionizing a particular area in our charts. This transit, in the sign of our value systems, our relationship with abundance and stability is being redefined for both the collective and the individual. Both of these planets deal with the desire for expansion and freedom, whatever we do here, it has to be innovative, value centered and aligned with our authenticity, think about breaking the glass ceiling that limits your higher vision. This conjunction signifies a turning point in the direction our culture, social value norms and relationship with a natural world will take. 

We can find ourselves on the precipice of a major reconstruction of the foundation upon which we choose to lay the path forward, we may rebel against the paths we walked before that do not truly lead anywhere, we rebel against the normalization of struggle and sense of being restrained from our full potential. The collective craving for joy is building here, and it needs a lot of internal space on our part to be a grounding force, not a destabilizing shock to our systems.

In the nutshell the global trends that deal with all things Venusian (ruler of Taurus), markets, fashion, art, relationships, price of the land and property, environmental solutions and financial institutions will undergo a major Uranian aka technological upgrade (through crisis most likely) and change. Our ideology (Jupiter) in regards to what abundance and wealth (Taurus) mean truly will undergo a sort of a revolution, separation or a divide of online platforms in accordance to their ideological/value stance, crypto currency making huge leaps, and many other potential happenings.

Some of the prominent events and advances that are connected with Jupiter/Uranus cycles of the past are…

In 2010 in Aries: 

  • Julian Assange leaks what is deemed the biggest US government leak in history about the Iraq War ( Aries war themes)

  • Instagram Launch, first IG post is made

  • Arab Spring begins ( again Aries, Mars in action)

  • Hurt Locker wins best picture at the Academy Awards ( film about war and the impact of the war on individual)

  • Inglorious Bastards and The Social Network come out ( war and innovation)

In 1997 in Aquarius…

  • DVD format is launched in USA

  • IBM’s Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, the first time a computer beats a chess World champion in a match. ( Aquarius and AI advances, I wonder what AI advances are upon us)

  • Movie The Fifth Element and Good Will Hunting come out ( Aquarian themes of space travel and individual involvement in global processes) 

In 1983 in Sagittarius…

  • The official beginning of the Internet ( exploration and travel are taking on a whole new meaning)

  • The 3D is invented

  • The world's first commercial mobile cellular telephone call is made, in Chicago, United States,

I can go on, but I think you got the gist…

How can we actually simplify and prioritize the sense of ease and pleasure in our approach to life, do we notice the vastness of information and knowledge our body actually holds, and do we realize that we live in a world where true Venusian expression is profoundly suppressed. To be with our physical bodies fully and to refuse “the doing” when our body is saying no, or to listen when it is asking to be gentler is in itself a radical attitude. Taurus energy thrives in soft and supportive environments, with all the resolutions and clarity coming to us as a lightning rod in the relation to the house in which we have this conjunction, we need to focus on softness and be profoundly deliberate. Suspension of the view of the world that primarily perceives or concentrates on obstacles or the lack, and shifting our perception to the unorthodox and liberating solutions, refusing to break ourselves and our nervous systems in the name of the rapidly failing capitalistic and conventional structures is what we are going to explore with abandon in the next 14 years.

The exact conjunction is on the 20th of April and it is just an opening, it is an opportunity to plant the first seeds, like a New Moon phase, but remember this is a 14 year long cycle, and treating it with the necessary devotion and patience will serve you well. All the conjunctions, whether they involve malefics or benefics, should be looked at from the perspective of the length of the cycle and met with an intention to see it through. In the home of Venus this meeting of Jupiter and Uranus will highlight and expand our desire for freedom in the financial realm, in how we engage in our relationships and will push us to re-evaluate the root of our self worth issues and misalignments. Uranus is not the most chill planet, impatience and need to move very fast is there, be mindful that no matter how exciting or unusual your ideas are, you need to control and direct this potentially manic energy swirling in the air,  do not move ahead in frenzy, do it the Taurus way, slowly. Yes, this transit holds a lot of promise and is exciting, but do not let it become overzealous, superficial or too hectic. The body and our five senses are conduits of information, so prioritize grounding and somatic work.

Jupiter and Uranus demand that we erase the formerly accepted playbook, that we expand into spaces where we play freely and on a grander scale, where we invite others to play, where we enjoy the process. With the ruler of this conjunction Venus currently in Aries and so close to the North Node, we need to be ready to be stubborn in the pursuit of our authentic values. To wish for something only our outrageous imagination had a glimpse into is  where liberation resides. This outrageousness needs spaciousness and a real high vantage point. Hope you see plenty of beauty and each other's true value from out there. With Love, Mariana.


Full Moon in Scorpio. 04/23/2024


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. 04/08/2024