Aries Season. Spring Equinox of 2024.
Temperance and Fire.
On March 19th the Sun crosses 0º degrees of Aries and we welcome Spring Equinox. This is one of the 4 pivotal points in the wheel of the year, the cardinal energy opening the way. The brief moment of perfect balance happens on this day, and then the Solar energies gradually start gaining their power. Spring Equinox is a new beginning, we once again have an opportunity to start anew, to burst through the fog of the accumulated energies that are weighing us down. Fire is a key element to work with during spring equinox, warming your home with Sun like foods, clearing the space with fire, clearing the space from what is dimming your inner spirit and reconnecting with the innocence that is essential for every initiation.
The beginning of the Aries Season in many ways is a chart of the year ahead, so much information is shared with us through this chart. As the Sun crosses 0º of Aries, the Moon in Leo is separating from the opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. Moon is people, it is our collective body, and this body yearns for self expression and wants to honor the spirit. This need for creative liberation, for unadulterated joy and for authenticity is so pronounced here. Separation of the Moon from Pluto speaks of the lessons on collective power, the illusion of helplessness and the importance of the heart and joy on the path of liberation. The false narrative of required self abandonment in the pursuit of the collective good is being shattered, the complete and unconditional respect for one’s heart desires is the only way to our unbinding. To hold a collective long term vision of unity, abundance and joy, we need to understand that our full presence in this process is so essential and needed, each of us is so needed.
This is also an Eclipse Season, and we have Mercury retrograde coming up. So, as much as the pressure is mounting, it would be wise to really lean into patience and non-reactivity. There will be a separate Eclipse post, but I can see that with Mars entering Pisces for the rest of the Aries season, we do not have clarity and energetic support to charge forward. As frustrating as it can be, this Aries season is about further understanding your intimate relationship with your vital force and your anger, it is not a time to start swinging the sword. It is time to figure out why you choose this sword, how to take care of it and use it truthfully.
The newly born Sun in Aries is also in harmony with the Moon in Leo, the fire principle is our driving force this year. We ought to feed this fire every step of the way, through showing more and more of ourselves, through remembering that initiation cannot be devoid of innocence, that judgment extinguishes the spirit, that we need to return to the outrageousness of our innate being. Mercury is forming the first of its three conjunctions with Chiron in Aries. To allow our words and thoughts to deliver the primal messages about our desires and where we should channel this fire is a healing permission in itself, to suspend the filtration of our words and thoughts, to suspend this self censorship is to fortify our spirit.
The ruler of this season is Mars that is currently in Aquarius. Mars at the last degrees of the fixed air sign and is not forming any Ptolemaic aspects. This means that it is time that we take full responsibility for our direction, our energy and conscious expression of our rage. Mars is the malefic energy and when it is purposeless, when the battles we go into are manipulated, when our agency to be change makers is forsaken, well, this Mars can inflict a lot of pain. For us agency here needs to be reclaimed, and it is not an abstract notion, it is detrimental to how this year goes. Happy New Year. With Love, Mariana.